Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Next Master Grade from Gundam Seed

If I'm gonna describe the upcoming gundam model kits that's gonna be release this year..it's like a rain that keeps on pouring! Especially for the master grade because news says that Bandai is gonna launch couple of master grade gundam model kits for Gundam Seed. These kits include Aegis gundam, Buster gundam, Blitz gundam, and the Duel gundam which happens to be the first in line.

Duel gundam is said to be released on the month of February for the price of 4200yen (around Php2100 here in the Philippines) But what excites me more about it is that it also comes with all of its armor and weapons to make it Duel Gundam Assault Shroud just like what was shown in the series. I hope Bandai will release more of its updated images soon. :)


  1. Hello my friend.
    Good sunny Tuesday.

  2. Hi
    Gundam seed is our childhood memory . Is it your favorite comics???
